What is it?

ES-Coach is a smartphone-based tool that helps teams of employment consultants to visualize their employment support practices, reflect, set goals, and take action for continuous quality improvement.

What is the goal of ES-Coach?

  • To support employment consultants in reflecting on their implementation of employment supports, setting goals, and taking action for improving the implementation of quality supported and customized employment.
  • To ensure that job seekers with disabilities receive high-quality employment support services.
  • To increase the employment outcomes of job seekers with disabilities.

Who is it for?

ES-Coach works best for teams of at least three full-time employment consultants who assist job seekers with intellectual disabilities, autism, and other developmental disabilities to gain and retain individual integrated employment. It works best when the whole team uses ES-Coach so that all support activities are captured in the data dashboard.

How does it work?

ES-Coach asks three quick questions about the employment supports provided and shares data and tips about best practices, daily, each day at a different random time. It takes less than a minute per day to do it.  WATCH ES-Coach in action! 

3 screenshots of a smartphone showing the daily survey and two closing screens displaying a chart and a tip

Next, the data feed a dashboard where employment consultants and managers can check their implementation of supported and customized employment, and compare their data with anonymous aggregated data from other participants.  

Screenshot of a laptop showing the es-coach data dashboard with a menu of metrics on the left and a bar chart in the center

Finally, our training specialists are available to coach the managers of employment programs so that they can support their teams of employment consultants reflect on their implementation of supported and customized employment, set goals, and take action for continuous quality improvement.

What do people say about ES-Coach?

  • "It makes me think about my workday and allows me to put extra goals into perspective."
  • "I find that it causes me to pause for a moment and reflect on how I am spending my time, energy, and resources."
  • "I love how simple it is."

Who funds this project?
ES-Coach was developed with funding from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (Grant #90IFDV0009 and 90RTCP0003) between 2019 and 2022. The dashboard project was supported in part by the University of Massachusetts OTCV Technology Development Fund. Currently, the Kessler Foundation Signature Grant is funding the deployment of ES-Coach with 48 employment programs, nationally (2023-2024). Participation in ES-Coach can be supported also by state and local training and technical assistance initiatives or individual organizations as part of their quality improvement efforts.

Who are the team members?

Can I try ES-Coach?
Absolutely. Sign up to join ES-Coach or to receive updates. 

Questions? Visit https://www.es-coach.org/support or please contact info@es-coach.org

Is there any materials that I can review?


This is a project of ThinkWork at the Institute for Community Inclusion

University of Massachusetts Boston
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Boston, Massachusetts 02125
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Email: ici@umb.edu